nettle seed. I've found these two together to be quite an impressive combination for all things kidney, but specifically in issues with chronic kidney inflammation. I hope you enjoy this little monograph. In health and wellness, - Petra General and Historical Info:
Common Names: Couch Grass, Quack Grass, Cooch Grass, Twitch, Dog Grass, Quick Grass, Durfa Grass, Scotch Quelch, Triticum, Quecke (German), Chiendent (French), Grama (Spanish), Caprinella (Italian). Family: Graminaceae Parts Used: Rhizome (Dried), seeds
Anti-bacterial, Anti-microbial, Diuretic, Demulcent, Tonic Diuretic, Aperient, Catarrhal (General), Anti-Inflammatory, Laxative, Urinary Antiseptic, Nutritive Emollient, Anti-Cholesterol, Remedy for dryness and atrophy, Antibiotic, Uricosuric Chemical Constituents:
What are its Uses?Head, Ears, Eyes, Nose, and Throat:
Integumentary System (Skin):
Respiratory System:
Digestive System:
Excretory System:
Endocrine System (Hormones):
Cardiovascular System:
Circulatory System:
Immune/Lymphatic System:
Reproductive System:
Musculoskeletal System:
Herbal PharmacyThe below information is meant as educational and informative only, do not self dose, please see an appropriate practitioner to discuss current issues and any medications you may be taking. Combinations:
Max Doses: Max Daily Dose: 3 to 6ml of 1:1 LE (1:1 @ 25%) Max Weekly Dose: 1:1 @ 25% 20 to 40ml Application: Infusion
Further Commentary
Safety Concerns
The above information is copyright to Petra Sovcov - Clinical Herbal Therapist - 2019 Reproduction or distribution of any of the above information in full or part is prohibited without written consent from the author. References:
This week marks my first week teaching at the Institute of Holistic Nutrition in Vancouver. To say I'm excited is an understatement. I was very surprised to receive the invite, and then over the moon with joy when I was told they were interested in having me teach Nutrition and the Environment. In essence, the class focuses on the non-sustainability of our current food system, the massive pollution factors that are involved, and the impacts it has on the environment and human beings. Tonight will be my first session, we will be focusing on the beef industry and agricultural pollution as a whole. When I started doing the research for tonight's lesson, I got the sense of going down the rabbit hole. I was Alice and the deeper I went, the creepier things got. If I were to take only one thing out of the hours of research, it would be that pollution from livestock and grain feed agriculture are mated, and that this broken process exists because either the consumer is not aware of it, it is hidden, or not enough individuals care about the issues that arise from it. I felt so passionate about the info that I found, I though to make a printable available to students and the public which reflects the over-inflated consumption of meat products and its consequences. Of course, I am in no way seeking to start a battle with the beef industry, but I will say that there must be a better way of doing things...and I think that starts with you and me, and putting our money where our beliefs are. After-all, the organic movement didn't start until consumers wanted organics available. Maybe we can now start demanding the humane housing and slaughtering of animals, a reduction in animal protein consumption, and the elimination of harmful herbicides, pesticides, growth hormones, and antibiotics in our foods. I'll leave it to you to decide. I hope you enjoy the print-out ![]()
Alchemilla monticolla/vulgaris : |
It is always my desire to be certain that clients have their questions answered when they have them. I also feel passionate that individuals ought to have access to information about the herbs they may use. Often times information on the internet is not fully reliable, this is due to opinion and articles written by herbalists who may |
Petra Sovcov is not a Medical Doctor (MD) nor a Naturopath (ND), she is a Clinical Herbal Therapist (CHT) and holds a Doctorate in Natural Medicine (DNM). The suggestions or recommendations made on this site are not meant to be a substitute for advice from your MD, or as a substitute for any prescriptions you may be taking. Suggestions followed will be the responsibility of the reader, and are stated with the intention of interest and education only. If you have a health issue, please see your primary care physician (MD) first and foremost.
Cardiovascular Health
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Digestive Health
Healthy Living
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Integumentary (Skin/Dermatological)) Health
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